About MPJ

The Movement for Peace & Justice, came into existence in 2005 to solve social problems and to achieve the desired objectives.MPJ has established 72 Units in all districts in Telangana State with Headquarters in Hyderabad city with approx 8000 active members. It is a non-political, non-Governmental, Pressure Group, functioning in the democratic set-up of our country for the achievement of Peace, tranquility, Justice, and security.MPJ is a social Organisation, established to  promote   a long-awaited welfare system of life

 ●︎ MPJ is committed to form a just and a peaceful society, which is free from illiteracy, poverty and communal hateredness.

●︎ Since its formation, MPJ has been participating actively protecting human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights and rights of weaker sections of the society.

●︎ MPJ is maintaining its identity as Pressure   Group and has thus resolved many issues, which have ultimate  benefitted a large section of society.

●︎ Various Government Schemes, which were otherwise, would have gone un-noticed, MPJ made them available to the public.

●︎ MPJ organizes from time to time, Dharmas & Rallies, to mobilize public opinion to resolve many issues including Reservations to Muslims in the field of Education, Employment and other justice related issues.

●︎ MPJ had established a Free Legal Cell, offering legal assistance free of cost to all those who deserve.

●︎ MPJ has set up Family Counselling Centres in various districts to settle family disputes free of cost, which, otherwise would have gone to Police Stations and then to Courts.

●︎ Small crime offenders, who are not professional criminals, are being released through MPJ’s monetary & legal aid.

●︎ MPJ seeks cooperation from various sections of society by promoting among them, the spirit of the objectives of the movement participation with other social organizations on genuine issues.

Aims & Objectives:

● Make the system of justice and security,  simple and less expensive.

● Secure Human Rights and make them available to everyone.

● Promote communal harmony and amity  among people of different communities.

● Establish peace and tranquillity.

● Promote and strengthen, the democratic values in the society and to eradicate fascist  tendencies.

● Safeguard the rights of religious,  linguistic and cultural minorities.

● Abolish social inequalities, wipe-out economic oppressions and to eradicate injustice among the people.

● Persuade the Government and   aadministration, to discharge  their responsibilities fairly.