Mpj delicates attended the 2 day, National NGO’s Conferences, at Calicut, Kerala, India.

Mr. Md Abdul Azeez, the former President of MPJ Telangana, and Mr. Ahmed Hameeduddin Shakeel, a former office bearer and treasurer of MPJ Telangana, attended a significant event – the National NGO’s Conference in Calicut, Kerala, India. This conference spanned over two days and served as a platform for like-minded individuals and organizations to come together and discuss crucial matters related to non-governmental initiatives.

During those two days, attendees had the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions, share valuable experiences, and gain fresh perspectives on the various challenges and opportunities within the NGO sector. The presence of Mr. Azeez and Mr. Shakeel, both prominent figures within MPJ Telangana, highlighted the organization’s commitment to making a meaningful impact on social and humanitarian issues.

This conference proved to be a valuable experience for all participants, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among NGOs and their leaders. It was an excellent opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and collectively work towards a better future for the communities and causes they served.