On the Celebration of 10th Telangana formation day Minorities Achievement and Challenges.

A Historical file photo of MPJ Cadre to representation in Sri Krishan Commission at Lake view Guest House Hyderabad.  During Telangana State Hood Struggle.   Now on 10th formations Day 2nd June 2023.  Our very few Dreams fulfill.  Lot of many visionary dream’s Remaining,  we have work for gaining our Dream Golden Telangana. 

As a social activist and Telangana statehood activist, on the occasion of Telangana state’s 10th anniversary of T.S. formation day on 2nd June, Few points in my mind which I share with other fellow Telangana activists, especially minorities persons, Is it that we worked for present-day Telangana or that we were versions of something else, which I still cannot find. We worked under more than 250 different social, ethical, political, and student organizations (like me under the famous social organization Movements for Peace and Justices). But presently, the matter is in the hands of a few political personalities. Nobody thinks about the people of Telangana, especially topics like farmers, SCs, STs, minorities, unemployed youths, poverty, the burden of the high cost of living, and student problems.


  1. Empowerment Initiatives: The formation of Telangana provided an opportunity for the state government to focus on the development and empowerment of minority communities. Various initiatives may have been undertaken to uplift the educational, economic, and social status of minorities.
  2. Political Representation: With the formation of Telangana, minority communities may have experienced increased political representation. This could include the election of minority candidates to the state legislature or local governing bodies, allowing for better representation of their interests.
  3. Educational Opportunities: Efforts may have been made to improve access to quality education for minority communities. Scholarships, special educational programs, and reservation policies may have been implemented to ensure equal opportunities for minority students.
  4. Economic Development: The state government may have implemented policies and programs to encourage economic development among minority communities. This could involve promoting entrepreneurship, providing financial support, and encouraging investment in minority-owned businesses.


  1. Socio-Economic Disparities: Despite progress, socio-economic disparities may still persist among minority communities. Addressing issues such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to basic services might continue to be a challenge.
  2. Discrimination and Prejudice: Discrimination and prejudice against minority communities may still exist in various forms, including in education, employment, and social interactions. These challenges require ongoing efforts to promote inclusivity and combat bias.
  3. Educational Attainment Gap: While efforts may have been made to improve educational opportunities for minorities, an attainment gap might still exist. Challenges such as limited access to quality education, high dropout rates, and lack of resources may hinder academic progress.
  4. Political Representation and Participation: While there may have been improvements in political representation, ensuring adequate representation and participation of minority communities in decision-making processes can be an ongoing challenge. Encouraging more minorities to engage in politics and addressing barriers to their participation is essential.
  5. Many Laws and policies are approved on paper or in the yearly Budget. but on ground level.

Only a very few are currently implemented. As a result, poor public interest, deprivation, and disappointment.

It’s important to note that the specific achievements and challenges faced by minorities in Telangana may vary depending on various factors such as community, region, and socio-economic conditions In a short sentence minorities Dreams fulfill very few, and a lot of visionary dreams remain.