Press Conference on Constitutional Safeguards at Basheer Bagh Press Club

Press Conference on Constitutional Safeguards at Basheer Bagh Press Club

On April 30, 2022, the Indian Constitutional Safeguard Front held a press conference at the Basheer Bagh Press Club, presided over by Mr. Abdul Azeez, the President of the Movement for Peace & Justice Telangana State (MPJTS). The event featured discussions on constitutional rights and the need for safeguarding them in India. Attendees included Mr. Saleem Al Hindi, General Secretary of MPJTS, and Mr. Ahmed Hameeduddin Shakeel, Finance Secretary of MPJTS, along with other intellectuals from various communities. The conference emphasized the importance of protecting the fundamental rights of all Indian citizens and fostering unity among different communities. Topics ranged from current legal challenges to future strategies for ensuring constitutional adherence and social justice.