Protection Of Human Rights

Movement for Peace and Justice shall

(1)…sensitize the society for eradication of un-touchability discrimination and exploitation on the basis of caste, creed and birth.

(2)…ensure the arrests without proper evidence And under-trial prisoners, period to be notified.

(3)…MPJ will assist and also extend full co-operation to the Government in implementing child and bonded labour Acts.

(4)…establish more MPJ Family Counselling Centres at various places of the State to redress the issues of public interest.

(5)…mould public opinion by organizing Demonstrations, Dharnas and Rallies.

(6)…create public awareness by making use of hi-tech information and publicity systems through media and by conducting programmes on legal awareness and use of Right to Information Act etc.

(7)… provide legal assistance to under-trial Prisoners wherever required.

(8)…arrange to release the under-trial prisoners from jails by paying meagre fines on the recommendations of Jailors concerned.


[1] Movement for Peace & Justice will strive hard not only to secure rightful status for women, but to curb discrimination, exploitation and sexual harassment.

[2] MPJ condemns the exploitation of women by way of dowry, forcible abortion, infant mortality and unleashed exposure of female by immediately stopped.

[3] MPJ will mobilize public opinion against nudity and obscenity screened by electronic media or displayed by print media.


 The Movement for Peace & Justice will en-cash all its sources:

[1] To provide safe and un-polluted drinking water to all its inhabitants.

[2] To make imperative arrangements to be availed by all citizens in the field of health and hygiene.

[3 To develop culture of harvesting rain water in urban and rural areas


Movement for Peace & Justice will further stress

(1) Government should enact “Right to Employment” Schemes.

(2) To implement “Minimum Wages Act”.

{3} Cost of living should be controlled.

(4) Government should distribute Land among the landless inhabitants and farmers through “Land Reforms Act”.

{5} Land-acquisition-Bill-2013 to be implemented in-toto.

How can we help you?

Contact us at the MPJ office nearest to you or submit an inquiry online.